We’ve been getting that Autumn feeling for a little while, but now the Autumnal Equinox in the UK has passed we can officially say that Autumn is well and truly here! To celebrate this most beautiful of seasons, here are the things we most love about this time of year.
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Scarves by V Fraas and 100 Stars[/caption]
Autumn Leaves – Colour, colour, and more colour! We just love all the yellows, oranges and reds…and let’s not forget the piles of leaves that children (big and small) enjoy kicking and running through. Never ones to shy away from colour, our shop is literally bursting with vibrant shades of pink, red, oranges and more. Any one of the scarves below is sure to take the edge off the dreariest of days.
Snuggling Up in Front of a Real fire – Nothing can beat the cosiness you get from a real fire, the crackles from the flames, the smell of the smoke…heaven!
Souper Soups – What better way to stay warm in these cooler months than with a comforting bowl of homemade soup. It’s what this time of the year was made for. We particularly like
this butternut squash recipe, that has a hint of chilli to give that internal central heating a little extra kick. Yum!
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Cosy knits by Tif Tiffy[/caption]
Crisp Autumn Mornings – Those days before Winter sets in when you can leave the house in just a casual jacket or even just a soft knit with a long sleeved top underneath. These cosy knits are Tif Tiffy really tick this box. Super snuggly, and in colours that couldn’t be more Autumnal if they tried.
Hot chocolate – Finally, what is cosier on a beautifully clear Autumnal day than a steaming cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream (there is no other way)? Mmmmmmmm….
At the risk of sounding a little like Julie Andrews, these are just a few of our favourite things, but our shop is filled with many, many more. Do come and pay us a visit next time you are in Olney. In the meantime, you can let us know what makes you smile in Autumn in the comments box below.